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Manage Your Sleep

Lifestyle changes needed for improved sleep health can mean a lot of work and sometimes the changing of lifelong habits. But, they can also be very much worth it.

Sleeping well is essential to achieving an optimal health. Almost 40% of people aged 25-54 get fewer than the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night. Those who sleep fewer than 7 hours may report weaker concentration, memory and focus as well as irritable mood1.

Getting a good night's sleep is also necessary for doing well at work.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to achieve improved sleep health and make life better.


1 CDC, 2011. Data analysis from the 2005–2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)



The Sleep Health Foundation is a national organisation devoted to education, advocacy and supporting research into sleep and its disorders. It has a lot of information about sleep and sleep disorders that can be found at:

A list of factsheets on various topics around sleep and sleep disorders can also be found on this website.

Sleep Disorders Australia is a voluntary group offering assistance and support to people and their families living with sleep disorders -

The Australasian Sleep Association is the peak national association of clinicians and scientists devoted to investigation of sleep and its disorders: